Thursday, January 6, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2652

AM WORKOUT (0345 wake up via alarm) FASTED


3 front squats w/225

4 viper presses w/135

5 burpee chins

17 rounds done in 46:40


50 dips

40 reverse hypers w/50lbs

20 standing ab wheels

50 pull aparts

25 pushdowns

25 GHRs

Notes: This workout is legit enough I gave it a name.  Originally I was thinking "Trinity", due to the three movements, and that got me on a religion bent, which then got me focused on the viper presses and here we are at snakehandler mass.  You rise from the pulpit during the front squat, go handle the snakes with the viper presses, and then fall to the floor in convulsions with the burpee chins.

For my international audience that has no idea what snakehandlers are, these two videos will prove educational.

The first is really just an awesome song that has carried me through some rough training sessions.

I was clearly moving slower on this than the first time I ran it, which shows the impact of training fasted first thing in the morning with a bunch of fatigue.  On top of that, I forgot to mention that I dropped the 220lb log on my left foot yesterday.  I had the crash pads down, but it's been so long since I've used any decent weight on the log that I didn't account for how much the pads would compress.  Things felt good enough at first, but as my work day went on I was limping bad.  I then realized the smart move was to elevate it, did that for a few hours and managed to get the swelling out of it in time for Tang Soo Do.  It's feeling fine now, but I still have a slight limp, which most likely slowed down transitions between implements.

I really like how well this workout works.  The fatigue level is consistent from round 1 onward.  

On the Tang Soo Do front, it was just me, my wife and the senior student last night, so lots of individual attention again.  Instructor made it clear he wants us ready to test again in March.  We're blitzing through.

Got all my daily work done.  Any addition training today will be on the smaller side.

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