Sunday, January 23, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2669

Slept off and on until 0620 and then hit a fasted workout of 40kg swings and burpee chins


Then 50 swings

Total time was 10:12.

This is another one of those combos that just “works”. Hits the everything, but saves my quads since I seem to be squatting every goddamn day these days.

Doing burgers tonight, so I’m excited about that. Got bison as the base, and then deciding on chicken or shrimp for the follow on. Turf and turf or surf and turf: important choices.

Did a little progressive workout today.  Knocked this out in the AM while taking the trash out

Axle clean and push press away


Axle continental and push press away

9x196 (5lb PR from previous cycle)

Several hours later


Axle clean and strict press each rep

27x141 in 4:10

GIANT SETS (press-dip-raise-pull) Sets 1 and 4: DBs, Sets 2 and 5: BtN, Sets 3 and 6: Bench

(4) High incline DB bench 85s


BtN Press 130



Axle flat bench 241




Lateral raise



Band pull aparts


25 pushdowns

20 standing ab wheels

Poundstone Curls


40 reverse hypers 50lbs

Neck work


Tabata KB front squats w/45lb bells (hold bells at side during 10 second rest)

Notes: Didn't want to spend all day training so broke it apart and knocked out bits at a time.  Got that Tabata work while taking out the recycling and the push pressing done while taking out the trash.  A testament to my goal of being able to perform without warm-up.  It's self-perpetuating.  My push press is getting a little better, and the continental was smoother.  My pressing strength in general is increasing.  Re-discovering this giant set approach has been good.  Even without the surplus, it still does the job, but I imagine it's effectiveness will be shorter lived.

Dan John was still right about tabata front squats.  Something about them are magical.  

Zeno's tomorrow.  Excited about that.  And for those wondering: shrimp and bison burger won.  Surf and turf.  Can't take the California out of me.

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