Tuesday, June 7, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2442

AM WORKOUT (0335 wake up via alarm)

Axle continental and push press away




2x206 out of rack

Axle clean each rep and strict press

24 reps of 146lbs in 7min30sec

GIANT SETS (press-dip-raise-pull) Sets 1 and 4: trap bar, sets 2 and 5: bench, sets 3 and 6: DBs, 75 seconds between sets

Trap bar press



Axle bench press



(3) Incline DB bench





Plate lateral raise


Band pull aparts


25 pushdowns

25 standing ab wheels



6 rounds of 

-3 axle clean and push press away w/156lbs

-7 burpee chins

In 10 minutes


* Had zero pop this morning.  Right elbow was limiter: it didn’t want to experience any loading.  It actually warmed up pretty well through the workout, but trying to hit a solid push press out the gate was a no-sale.  Got in reps from the rack just to get in a little more volume.  It’s also what drove the decision on the conditioning workout to get in a touch more work.

* Could see the issues on the supplemental pressing as well.  

* I’m catching myself “chasing leanness”, and I need to stop.  It’s addicting at this point, because I can actually observe day to day changes in my physique based on how much I’m NOT eating, but I’ve made the weight I need to make, and anything beyond this point is “vanity, all is vanity”

* What I DID come up with for conditioning was pretty damn effective though.  I typically shy away from push press in conditioning because it’s an opportunity cost compared to a thruster or a cluster, but for what I wanted, it answered the mail.

* Tomorrow will ideally be prowler work, but we have some intense storms on the horizon.  I’d really like to get in a few prowler workouts, just because there may be a truck pull in the competition, but otherwise, I can just be strong and conditioned and take it from there.


24 ABCs in 5 minutes w/24kg bells

EMOMs are the way for sure. I finished the 24th with 9 seconds remaining. Were I fresh, I woulda had that. I SHOULD have gone for it in retrospect, just to groove getting in that 25th rep. Next time. I was feeling beat to hell coming into this, so it’s a great sign.

Got the prowler in the truck for tomorrow. X-factor will be the weather. But if it’s no good, I got some other evil plans.

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