Friday, June 17, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2452

AM WORKOUT (0320 Natural wake up)

Texas deadlift bar touch and go deadlifts




15+4+4x405 (12 deep breaths between sets)

12 rounds EMOM: Odd minute deficit deads, even minute SSB squats

(3) Deficit deadlifts



SSB Squats



Unbroken circuit: Shrug-shrug-pull-neck-hyper-abs (no rest between movements)

Axle shrug against short strong bands


KB kelso shrugs


50 Band pull aparts

Neck work

Reverse hyper


30 Standing ab wheel

50 dips

25 pushdowns

30 GHRs



15 rounds EMOM

First 10 rounds:

* 2 Stone of Steel to shoulder

* 5 burpee chins

Last 5 rounds

* 2 SoS to shoulder

* 4-3-2-1-5 burpee chins


Going for max reps 405 was absolutely the correct call.  My elbow was ever so slightly achy this morning, but feels great post workout, whereas last week I about tore it in half going for a heavy max effort pull.  15 for a topset is a bit hard to swallow knowing my previous PRs, but I keep remembering that this is a first thing in the morning pull, practically no warm-up, practically fasted.  In that frame, it’s f**king phenomenal, and I’m proud to say I can do that.

The pride continues with that first EMOM workout, getting 3x8 and 3x7.  I cannot express how challenging that pairing is, and highly recommend folks give it a go if possible.  The heart does flip-flops.

Still using that new shrug technique and still digging it.

Conditioning was similar to what I did earlier in the week with the KB front squats swapped with burpee chins.  Got me some more back work in.  I was finishing each round with a little less than 10 seconds left, and after 10 minutes could no longer “beat the clock”, so transitioned to the countdown.  Absolutely mauled me, and the elbow still felt strong, so I got in some loading practice.

Stepped on the scale after my shower and was 183.6.  Given I had my hot dogs last night, that’s an awesome weigh in, and I saw separation in my abs that looked like an anatomy chart, so I know that the scale doesn’t tell the full story.

ABCs and Tang Soo Do tonight.  I’m working a late shift on Saturday, which will throw things off ever so slightly schedule-wise, but not terribly so.  Contemplating making burgers for Father’s day.


25 ABCs in 5 minutes w/24kg bells


* So now this is apparently just something I do.  That's pretty awesome.  In fact, in "getting after it" history, I came home at 1715, where my wife had a Jimmy John's turkey unwich waiting for me, I wolfed it down, shucked off my work clothes, hit the ABCs, stumbled into the house, threw on my dobak and left for Tang Soo Do by 1732.  Hell yeah.

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