Thursday, June 23, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2458

AM WORKOUT (0317 natural wake up)

25 band pushdowns

Axle continental and push press away



1 minute on/1 minute off for 6 total rounds


Axle continental and strict press away


GIANT SETS (dips/press-dip-raise-pull) odd sets dips, even sets BtN press, 75 second between sets

Weighted dip




BtN Barbell press






DB lateral raise


Band pull aparts


Reverse hyper


20 standing ab wheels

Neck work



As many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of

* 2 Axle clean and push press away 156

* 7 Burpee chins


* Last press workout before the competition, so went “off menu” and got in a little more practice.  Kept weights on the lighter side and didn’t take any of the supplemental work to the point of stupid failure.  Got in work, remembered what it was like to strain, but didn’t put myself at any risk.   I can’t get stronger in one session, but I can definitely get hurt.

* I like what I came up with for the press workout, and that might actually feature in the future.  I set the EMOM timer, and went for max reps in a minute.  Once I hit that, I let the timer go through the next minute, then started again.  So minute 1, I got in 6 reps, I rested through minute 2, minute 3 I got 3 reps, rest through minute 4, 3 reps in minute 5.  I tried for more in minute 7 and managed the continental but was out of reps.  There’s room for me to do something like clean once in the first minute, clean each rep in the third, etc.  Those follow on minutes are really special, because it’s hitting reps under fatigue.

* My push press is still absolute garbage first thing in the morning, but with the reps I’m getting in under those circumstances, I’m feeling pretty solid.

* My right trap is healed, but neck is still tender.  Makes putting my head through the window a little tough.  Should be healed up by day of, but worse comes to worse, there’s always icy hot.

* The conditioning workout seems to work better using a double vs a triple, but that’s because I’ve shifted focus away from getting in reps on the push press and toward minimizing the time between the last burpee and the first clean and press.  I try to come straight out of the burpee to grabbing the axle and going.  I feel there’s a lot of value added there.

* ABCs on the agenda for the evening.  

* Woke up at 185.6, then was 181.6 post workout shower.  Weight is really in a good spot.

* On that note, I found veins in my traps yesterday.  Leanness has reached absolute stupid levels.  Putting time caps on fat loss is the smartest thing I’ve done, because left to my own devices I’d keep chasing this dragon and end up in a bad place again.  I am excited to start really eating again.


**26** ABCs in 5 minutes w/24kg bells


* This was the easiest one yet.  I think the next evolution is a suck sandwich of 6-5-5-5-6.  I was really feeling loose in the front squat, which seemed to help.

* I ordered this awesome t-shirt that just totally suits me

Just got the e-mail with the events for the day. For my weight class it’s

* Axle clean and press away: 205lbs

* Loading medley: 140lb stone, 200lb stone, 150lb sandbag, 200lb sandbag.

* 50lb weight over bar: rising bar format

* Deadlift medley: 1 rep with tire deadlift at 515, 2 reps of farmers handle deadlift 335lb, AMRAP axle 335

* Truck pull

I’m pretty prepared for all of that. Saturday should be a solid show.

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