Wednesday, June 15, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2450

AM WORKOUT (0345 wake up via alarm) FASTED

8 rounds of 

Prowler harness pull w/90lbs loaded

Run back to start

10 walking lunes w/24kg KBs, farmers walk remainder of distance to prowler

1 round of

Prowler harness pull w/90lbs loaded there and back

Done in 41:55


Drive home, speed unload truck and do 21 ABCs in 5 minutes w/24kbg bells


Last night, the tornado sirens went off and we got weather alerts of 80mph winds.  I was curious if prowling was even going to happen this morning based on weather, but the real significance of that is that I had a rough night of sleep.  We got pelted with wind and hail, the aforementioned sirens, lightning, thunder, and my dog was shivering in the bed like a giant cellphone set to vibrate.  A bit of comedy in that my alarm went off (I gave myself an extra 10 minutes to sleep in), my wife says “I’m just going to get some more sleep and train later”, I reply “Yeah, that’s the smart move” and then promptly get up and head out the door.  At least I own it.

The weather DID mess with the workout some.  Traction was tough to get, and I was working hard on all those harnessed pulls.  Definitely good for my truck pulling ability.  Honestly, I needed to include the harness more in my prowler work, it’s just different, which is awesome.  Jim Wendler talked about the value of pulling with a harness on.

Lunges were a total circus act on the slippery parking lot.

Cut out the lunges/carries on the final part of the workout for the sake of time.  It was a good finish to just pull for all I was worth.

Ending with the ABCs is still clutch.  Getting in 21 in the state of fatigue I was in was a solid win.

Tang Soo Do is on the radar tonight.  It’s one-steps, so I’m telling the Mrs to watch me tap early and often.  My elbow is feeling better.  Not 100%, but moving in the right direction, and getting cranked on is NOT what it needs right now.

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