Monday, June 13, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2448

AM WORKOUT (0334 natural wake up, ONE minute before alarm: score!)

Squat warm up (jump-squat)

Box Jumps


Buffalo Bar Squat





ZENO SQUATS (12 deep breaths between sets)












10 minute EMOM

Every minute, so 2 Stone of Steel to shoulder (alternate sides), then KB front squats w/24kg bells. Start with 8 front squats, then 7, 6, etc. On round 9, it boils down to 2 SoS to shoulder, rest the remainder of the minute, finish out w/2 SoS to shoulder

20 standing ab wheels

50 band pull aparts

25 pushdowns

Reverse hyper



CONDITIONING: 20 Tabata rounds of the following

Odd rounds: 2 bear complexes w/95lbs

Even rounds: 3 burpee chins

30 GHRs


• Before I write anything else, I should note it’s going to be 102 degrees today WITHOTU adjusting for heat index. My garage was like a sauna. I appreciate how it makes me stronger, but it always takes away from me quite a bit. My back is absolutely shredded from the bar ripping into it because of all the sweat.

• I am really pleased with those Zenos, because warm-ups weren’t awesome. My right elbow doesn’t care for low bar squats, and was being a little pissy. I legit struck it with my fist a few times before the topset, and that seemed to help. Effectively, I made it hurt BEFORE it started hurting, so the pain was already an element to contend with, and not something that introduced itself midset. 9th rep was grindy, but that’s expected. No windmilling this time. Most likely cut it high, but I just care about moving heavy weight at this point: I use the shorter sets for depth.

• 14 reps was what I had for that last set. Effort was there.

• I REALLY dig what I came up with for that stone training. Legit one of those ideas that hit me in bed last night. The sandbag is tearing up my connective tissue, so I wanted to take a lighter load but make it feel heavy, and I wanted to still blow away my lower body on this day. This worked perfectly. Original idea was to front squat until the time expired, but using the countdown approach had it so that, with fatigue, I was finishing the front squats with a little less than 10 seconds left in the round. Timed out perfect, I was absolutely exhausted when it was done. The final round works out such that it’s 2 SoS to shoulder and then rest until remainder of round, which is absolutely perfect for how gassing the workout is. I’m definitely keeping this. The only x-factor is the wife has to be awake when I do it, because it’s much louder than the sandbag, but she’s taken to running in the AM again, so I’m going to take that for what it’s worth.

• I was dying through conditioning, and it was “easier” than straight up TABEARTA, but between the heat and that stone workout it was simply a matter of holding on.

• Weighed in at 182.0 after my shower. So again, not a fasted weigh in, although there’s something to be said about how much I’ve sweated out at that point. Not concerned about making weight, but I still have to be diligent. My body is PRIMED to grow right now, which is one of the benefits of these diet breaks, but I have to exercise discipline and NOT give in to feeding it quite yet. It’s the reason I’ve held off on the Surge workout fuel. Once I compete and come back from my San Diego vacation, I’m excited to blow up.

• ABCs are about all I have on the horizon.


23 ABCs in 5 minutes w/24kg bells

Notes: Great showing after the monster squat workout this morning.  That bump in technique is really carrying me far.  The garage is like an oven: tomorrow morning is going to be intense.


  1. Apologies for an unrelated question MythicalStrength, but do you think Disney Cruises offer enough to do for 2 childless adults? (who can normally appreciate Disney parks) Like, would you and your wife be able to take advantage of enough amenities to get your money's worth on such a cruise if you didn't have kids along?
