Wednesday, June 1, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2436

AM WORKOUT (0615 natural wake up) FASTED

"Get Punched In The Mouth: Know Your ABCs"

20 minute EMOM

First 5 minutes: 4 ABCs per round Rest of the 15: 2 ABCs for 2 rounds, 3 for 2 rounds, repeat until done

Using 24kg bells

Cute name was based on the fact the original plan was 4 per round for 20 rounds, and that went right out the window. Alternating 2s and 3s after the gut check of the first 5 minutes made it survivable but still awful. Had to lay down when it was over: "Kalsu level" difficult. A winner.


Leisurely 5k with the Mrs and 50 chins.  We head out tomorrow. Probably get some tabata burpees or something in the morning before we head out.


  1. I never get tired of seeing your awesome session names, haha. If you ever write a book compiling all of them it'd be quite the lineup.

    1. It's most of the fun, haha. My e-book has a good amount of them, but the second edition will share some as well.
