Sunday, June 26, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2460

Gonna capture some lost training due to comp/travel madness.

Yesterday, morning of my competition, I got in 23 ABCs in 5 minutes, then did a 30 minute walk.

This morning (Sunday):

Got up at 0610 and did (fasted)

5 minutes of ABCs w/24kbg bells (25 total)

Straight into

5 minutes of burpee chins (27 total)


* I feel amazing post strongman competition.  I'm sure daily training is a big part of that.  This was phase II of my goals: I wanted to treat a competition just like a normal workout and get back on with my life, vs having to build elaborate rituals around it.  

* Those 25 ABCs were awesome because of how it broke down.  Got 2 rounds of 5, 2 rounds of 4, then finished with 7 unbroken ABCs for the 5th round.  Knowing I have that in me coming into it so fatigued is a good sign.  I'm going to be away from my specific bells for a bit, but my hotel may have some dumbbells I can wing this with, and then I have those 20kg bells I ordered at my folks.  I can still get a solid amount of hurt in with those.

* Packed my traditional canned chicken, tuna packs, and other travel goodies.  As much as I disliked traveling so much, I appreciate how good I've gotten at not breaking stride during it.  No living off of airport food or anything like that, which is cool as I hear them announce to a long line of hangry folks that they're out of a lot of food.


Did this

Total time was 25:32.  Took about 4:30 to get through the Devil Presses, then 11 minutes for the thrusters, and finished total time at 25:32.  Immediately after, I did 5 EMOM rounds of sets of 3 of DB Armor Building Complexes w/50lb DBs to help learn the movement and finish off the workout.  I'm in a hotel right now with limited fitness equipment, but 50lb dumbbells are awesome, and this means I can keep up my streak of ABCs.

I've always wanted to do the full Gut Check workout, and always chickened out because of the thrusters.  Could never figure them out with the dumbbells.  It took some doing, but shouldering them like a circus dumbbell seemed to do the trick.

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