Sunday, September 25, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2550

Got in a fasted morning workout of Tabata prisoner squats where I held the squat position during the 10 seconds of rest, then 70 push ups.  Spent 3 hours going up and down steps at a water park and closed out the day with 100 burpees in 5:17.  Also a 3 hour Tang Soo Do clinic somewhere in there.  Full days.  Travel back tomorrow.


  1. Hey MythicalStrength, did you get any rehab/pre-hab or lower back strengthening benefits out of your CorEvolution? I noticed someone around me is selling one for $200 and I was considering it as I don't have the space for a full Reverse Hyper.

    1. I wouldn't pay that much for one, unless it was because you were a collector. That's pretty much the only reason I keep mine: it's unique. But you could replicate the benefits with a set of ankle weights and a high table. A real reverse hyper is a totally different product.
