Friday, September 30, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2555

AM WORKOUT (0320 natural wake up)

**5/3/1 FOR HARDGAINERS** Week 5, Workout 4


Axle deadlifts






5x10 band pull aparts between sets


Axle deadlits

5x5x326, doing 1 set EMOM

40x360 reverse hypers

30 GHRs

20 GHR sit ups



100 KB burpee swings w/push up each rep using 40kg bell

Time: 17:20

25 pushdowns

50 axle shrugs against strong short bands


* I was incredibly pleased to discover that I can deadlift heavy without bothering my pec/serratus at all.  I thought for sure it would be a limiter.   Got in some great top set work there.

* That said, chinning is entirely off the menu.  Just absolute agony.  I managed 1 round of my circuit before I decided it was just a dumb idea to continue.  It’s what resulted in my pivot, going for the EMOM sets on deads and then that swing workout.  Both proved pretty productive.  I was pleased with my performance on the EMOM sets: shows just how strong and conditioned my pull has become.  That swing with push up workout was solid: level change-level change-level-change-swing.  It’s a lot of movement in a short space, and by the end of it I was wiped out.

* Will attempt Tang Soo Do tonight.  Foot is in a healed enough state.  That said, walking into work today, I had to laugh at the physical state I’m in.  If anyone read Dick Marcinko’s “Rogue Warrior”, he talked about 3 states of being (stealing from military jargon): SNAFU, TARFU and FUBAR.  Respectively: “Situation Normal: All f—ked up”, “things are REALLY f—ked up” and “F—ed up beyond all repair/recognition”.  I’m definitely transitioning from TARFU to FUBAR.  I think I may have actually broken something in my left foot  a few weeks back when I dropped the 45lb plate on it, my right foot is healing from having those plantar warts carved out of it, my left bicep is mending from a tear, the left serratus/pec is all junked up, tore the tricep on that side a while back, right lat has been on fire for weeks, etc. Just keep adapting and moving on.


Tang Soo Do was pretty light on training, so I got in TABEARTA when I got home.


  1. That injury list sounds brutal, but you're a scrapper for sure. Civilize the mind, make savage the body.

    1. You know it dude! It's not the age but the mileage, haha.
