Friday, September 2, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2528

AM WORKOUT (0336 natural wake up) SEMI-FASTED: Half serving of Surge before training, half serving during


Box jumps

Low handle trap bar lift

5x10 band pull aparts somewhere between sets


5 round circuit of

* 5x341 Axle deadlifts
* 10 chins
* 20 dips

Time: 13:37



50 (per leg) 20kg KB front rack lunges w/3 chins penalty for putting down bells

40x360 reverse hypers
25 pushdowns


* This was my first time pulling heavy since tearing my muscle, so ultimately today was a W.  That said, the workout felt a bit anemic.  The KB lunges are a good mental challenge, but didn't have the full body metabolic effect I was hoping for.  Original plan was Deathmarch, but pulled something in my right lat during the eccentric on the supplemental circuit and decided to play it a little safe.  If I do this again, I'm thinking SSB lunges: something where I can "rest" indefinitely until the next rep, so I can really put my posterior chain through the ringer.  Could even do it front squat rack with the SSB if I wanted to.  But I got in a workout.

* The FSL circuit was solid enough.  My left elbow was the big limiter. If I can move a little faster through those chins, I can really get gassed.

* On the trap bar pulls, zero issues breaking the weight off the floor.  My internal governor has shut off again.  I DID feel my healing muscle give off some warning signs, so I didn't push too deep into the red on the set, but it's just good to be where I need to be.



20x100lb log viper
18x135 stone of steel to shoulder
16x155 keg one motions
14x185 front squat to squat
12x225 SSB squat


* Last time I did this workout, I popped something in my left bicep and then my left knee, which put me out for about a month.  I came back and absolutely conquered it, which also lives up to its own name.  I had to take things slow on the stone and keg, and you can see me trying to figure out the keg a few times before I just say f**k it and send it.  You want Brute Force and Ignorance?  This is it, because there was NO room for speed or technique.

* Chaos is also the plan, because this was NOT on the schedule, but I already had a W from this morning and I wanted to ride that momentum.  And any ennui I had is absolutely gone.  I am all that is.  

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