Saturday, September 10, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2536

Slept until 0700 today.  Mrs actually woke me up asking if she wanted me to have her get the kid instead of me.  Musta needed the rest.  Did tabata burpee over bar.  

In the PM I did this

120 log vipers w/100lb log in 20 min flat

20x95 front squats straight into 20x95 squats

20xBar SSB squats

Log vipers always answer the question of "if you can only do 1 move", and this was putting my money where my mouth is.  Solid way to spend 20 minutes.  Threw on the rest because it was there.  Chaos is the plan.


  1. MythicalStrength was once bitten by a venomous Viper. After 3 days of excruciating pain, the Viper died.

    1. Nothing can top the original viper of Derek Poundstone though.
