Thursday, September 1, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2527

AM WORKOUT (0327 Natural Wake Up) 

**5/3/1 FOR HARDGAINERS** Week 1, Workout 3


Axle bench press




5x5x251 (60 seconds rest between sets)

5x10 band pull aparts accomplished between sets


* 1 trip there and back low handles w/50lbs
* 1 trip there and back high handles w/90lbs
* 1 trip there and back harness w/90lbs
* 1 trip there and back reverse drag w/140lbs

Total time: 22:30


100 burpee chins in 12:30


Lateral raise dropset (no rest)

20xEmpty hands

20 standing ab wheels
25 pushdowns


* Bench press continues to be a source of ennui.  Chunked through the main work so I could get to the prowler in a timely fashion.  Contemplating just doing a run with incline at some point for the sake of something different.  The 1 minute rests added some challenge.  All that said, 5x5/3/1 is the right prescription for sure on this program.  I know Jim liked that with Building the Monolith as well.  

* Adding the harness to the prowler work is a fantastic move.  My intention was to use it with 140lbs, but I was moving too quick through the workout and forgot to load extra weight.  Something for next time, but I wasn’t lacking in punishment from this course of action.  I like how this scales in difficulty while the weight increases.  Starting with the low handles is a great wake up call.

* Had a few courses of action mapped out for upper body work based on time availability, and burpee chins won due to high speed/low drag.  So I think, moving forward, I’m going to make this a weight vest exercise.  I can pre-load the vest and throw it on as soon as I get back.  Be an easy way to scale and make this progressable.  I dig how burpee chins are fitting within the prescribed assistance parameters: 100 push ups and 100 chin ups.   I still would like to get in some DB incline benching, but it’s always a question of logistics.

* Still didn’t get in the jumps.  Need to break that habit. I’m at least getting stuff like that in during Tang Soo Do.  

* Still working out the gameplan for tomorrow.  PR set deads needs no intro.  5x5xFSL I’m figuring out how to rope into a conditioning circuit with upper body to turn it into a complex.  Got a few plans there.  After that, I’m debating between 100 walking front rack lunges OR the death march

* I actually dig how the death march would continue to reinforce the motor pattern of the deadlift that day.  I’m a little miffed at how I’m not giving my quads enough love compared to if I did some lunge type movement, but there’s always conditioning avenues.  In fact, I can quit being such a martyr about that and realize that TABEARTA is getting me some reps and, if I really want, I can get in some ABCs or something else like that instead.  Still doing everything I can to “rules lawyer” the assistance work on this program.

* Continuing discussions about “this program”, I’m not even a week in, but so far I dig it.  BUUUUUUUUUT, I can see how this program could really fall flat for a trainee who doesn’t have a background in pushing themselves.  I loved “the puzzle” that Jim presented by leaving it so open for me to play with.  “20-30 minutes of prowler?  How BAD can I make that?  50-100 reps EACH for assistance work?  Oh game on!”  But absent that psychosis, you could easily just walk with a prowler for 20-30 minutes and do 50 flat DB benches with the pink dumbbells, some curls (of COURSE it’s curls) and some crunches and say “this program sucks”.  And really, most folks just don’t do the prowler work anyway.  But if you actually seek out the misery in this program, it rewards you.  And godDAMN does it make you hungry.


Got in TABEARTA along with all my daily work.  It's a good day.  Deadlifts tomorrow.  I've got the low handle trap bar set up for main work and a follow on plan for the axle for supplemental.  I feel like that might be a good solution going forward.  Also had a surf and turf burger of bison and shrimp, which is a fantastic meal before deadlifts.  Or any time.

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