Wednesday, December 1, 2021

 Training Log: Entry 2617

AM WORKOUT (0325 natural wake up)


100 total

Box jumps (2 45s, a 25 and a bunch of mats, highest yet)


Axle clean and press away




13+5+5x141 (rest pause)

Buffalo bar squats





0x375 (called it)


200 total, transition immediately to

82 lateral raises w/5lbs, transition immediately to

2x50 pull aparts w/25 pushdowns in between



Death by SSB squats (unloaded SSB)

Started at 10 reps, died on the 11th round at 14 reps, so got up to 20 reps total. For those unfamiliar, “death by” EMOM workouts have you go up 1 rep each round, so I started at 10 reps on round 1, 11 on round 2, etc, up to 20 on round 10.

Notes: This was supposed to be the first day of week 4 of BtM, but body wasn’t playing nice this morning. The hamstring was a known issue, but I was dealing with some nerve pain in the forearm yesterday that really came through on the buffalo bar squats. I was in agony, seriously wondering if I broke my forearm after racking that set of 375, and found unloading plates from the bar to be challenging. Were it JUST the forearm or JUST the hamstring I’d be alright, but it’s tough trying to compensate for both at once on a set of heavy squats.

This tends to happen when I squat with a barbell vs SSB for too long, and when I factor in all the kettlebell work I’ve been doing, I’m sure it’s all been adding up.

One again, an abundance of available solutions. I brought out the SSB and made it part of the conditioning just to get in some squat work, and it’s very forearm friendly. I may just scrap BtM for the final 3 weeks, freewheel it with the things I CAN do and get back on schedule. I’ve got nothing to prove: I’ve run the program twice and I know it works, but I’ve also been pushing the body QUITE hard for a while now, and i may be time for a little variety. I’ve also got some training gear that can help with the hamstring, to include gateway briefs and a reverse band set up.

Appetite is through the roof. Good signs all around. Those box jumps were amazing: really seeing some good there.

Forgot to log yesterday that I got in a 40+ minute walk with the 80lb vest on. Got Tang Soo Do tonight


Keg Grace

2:18 (2 second PR)

Notes: No significant pain on this one, minus the keg ripping a small chunk out of my left shoulder.

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