Monday, December 27, 2021

 Training Log: Entry 2642

BUILDING THE MONOLITH Week 6, Workout Final (whichever one that is)

AM WORKOUT (0350 wake up via dog)

Weighted NG chins 80lbs


Axle clean and strict press (clean first 2 reps, press away rest) 156lbs


Buffalo Bar Squat







Band pull aparts


Axle shrugs against short average bands


Buffalo Bar Squat 


Dry heave AMRAP

50 dips

25 pushdowns

40 reverse hypers w/50lbs

Neck Harness

Neck curls



EMOM 5 burpee pull ups for 20 minutes, then death by burpee pull up starting at 6 (died on the 24th round, going for 9 reps and hitting 7).

Notes: Wife and kid had the day off, so I was able to sleep a little later.  Way this shook out was me doubling up on presses again to get them done quick, so press-squat-chin-press-load the bar for squats-press-squat-chin-etc.  Made the workout go real quick.  Had to rest pause the shrugs at rep 90.  Topset of squats was slick.  It felt heavy to walkout, but after that I felt strong.  This upcoming round of Zeno's should fix that walkout thing.  It's one of the perks I've noticed with that approach: rest pausing means doing a LOT of walkouts.

I gave that squat my all, but I'm also unsatisfied with it.  I was struggling with bar position, and if I had it a touch higher on the back I think I may have been able to get to 30.  As it was, it was crushing my upper vertebrae and collapsing my lungs.

I DO want to point out that, around 12 hours before that widowmaker, I did that Deep Water squat and deadlift workout.  I don't do so to excuse any sort of performance, but more to highlight that the body is FAR more resilient that we give it credit for.  And food is anabolic.

That conditioning was pretty clutch. My rack is too low to jump into a pull-up, so these were like 5 count burpees (no jump).  Nice sneaky way to get in some extra lat work.  I can see pushing this out for an hour sometime.

Maybe get in a walk later today.  I'm excited to be taking a break from the nutrition.  The Mrs has been saying I look great these past few days, but also hit me this morning with "I genuinely wonder how much of your day is spent cooking"

Yup.  When dudes ask "how will I know when to stop gaining": that's when, haha.

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