Monday, December 13, 2021

 Training Log: Entry 2628

BUILDING THE MONOLITH Week 4, Workout 6(?)

AM WORKOUT (0250 natural wakeup)

Axle clean and rep and strict press


SUPERSETS (Chin-Squat)

Weighted chins 60lbs


Buffalo Bar Squats







Band pull aparts


Axle shrugs against bands

80xShort light bands+20xLight bands

Buffalo Bar Squat


Notes: Just plain awesome training day.  Wanted to make it faster so tried my trick of doing all the pressing in one go.  This might actually be a net loss, but it feels quicker, because once that is done the rest of the workout is practically nothing.  I’m also gonna call that some conditioning work.  

I think I’ve settled on a solid way forward for the duration of BtM, and possibly future runs as well.  I’m gonna stick with the Buffalo bar for this day, and go with the SSB for my 5x5 day.  This allows me to keep proficiency with the Buffalo Bar and still get in a heavy set, but will save my elbows/forearms from the brutality of the heavy 5x5 work.  Plus, the SSB is magic in its own way, so this gives me a chance to play with that.

I am satisfied and not with that Widowmaker.  I clearly gave it my all based on the post squat collapse, but throughout this cycle it’s been my body vs my legs failing.  I feel as though my torso is going to pop, and I’m struggling with holding in chow.  Bar slip is an issue with my low bar placement.  But being real with myself, I’m definitely driving an anabolic response here.

Speaking of anabolic response, I’m writing this here so I commit to it: I heard of a HELLACIOUS workout idea from a Jon Andersen podcast.  He squatted 405 for 20, dropped the bar to the floor and then pulled it for 20.  That’s one of those things you hear and go “holy sh*t that makes SO much sense”.  I wanna give that a go with 315.  To make it work, I’d have to pull in socks, as I’d squat in my weightlifter shoes, slip them off and go pull.  Also, since I’m a princess, I’m not going to drop my bar, and would instead have a bar set up in the rack and one on the floor.  I’d also go with straps on the deads.  Caveats all aside, I could see that being some sort of transformative workout.  Something I’ll do during my diet break.  Be a great way to kick off a deload.

On the body and mind side: hamstring is 100%.  Left one seized up on me while walking the dog yesterday, but that was also after my run in with the other dog, so part of me wonders if I was going through some sort of post adrenaline fight or flight thing.  Just annoying.  Right forearm/elbow pain has migrated into the bicep proper now.  That’s rather interesting.  I still have the general elbow ache, but the muscle feels swollen.  Wonder if cold weather is at play.  Got a look at my physique post training/shower and was pleased with how things are going with this gaining phase.  I try to be super transparent about stuff here, and one of the many not fun things about gaining is feeling bloated all the time and ending the day looking like a tick from all the food and fluid you’re taking in.  Even without carbs I tend to be pretty swollen, so those moments early in the day are nice for a “truth check in”.


Keg Grace

Time: 2:02 (11 second PR)

I can't be stopped.

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