Thursday, December 16, 2021

 Training Log: Entry 2631

BUILDING THE MONOLITH Week 5, Workout 2 (wildcard really)

AM WORKOUT (0325 natural wake up)

20x320 Buffalo bar squat transition immediately to 20x315 texas deadlift bar deadlift

2 mile 80lb weighted vest walk

50 chins

50 dips

40 reverse hypers w/50lbs

20 standing ab wheels

50 pull aparts

25 pushdowns

Notes: Once I get a bad idea in my head, I gotta get it out.  Today was supposed to just be a walk, but I figured I could get my heart rate up first and then ride it out for the rest of the walk.  I've read about that strategy a few other places.  This definitely did just that.  I'm pretty happy with how things went.  Yet again, my guts were what came up with the squat, but the deadlift was plain old fatigue.  I think a good goal would be to get the 20 deads done without stopping.  I actually can see this being a regular feature rather than a 1 off.  Set up is a LITTLE cumbersome, but not terrible.

The walk afterwards was quite challenging when I got to hills.  

I don't remember if I logged this, but I got my flu shot on Sunday and it's been causing me to feel a lot of general fatigue.  Actually had to take a 15 minute power nap yesterday.  I NEVER nap, so that's a big deal.

Tang Soo Do was pretty cool last night.   Got our new belts and learned some new 1 steps.  Told my instructor the story about saving my dog: he thought it was pretty cool.

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