Wednesday, January 4, 2023

 Training Log: Entry 2642

AM WORKOUT (0417 natural wake up): FASTED

**CHAOS IS THE PLAN** Week 2, Workout 3

*Death By Kettlebell Swing*

EMOM: 40kg KB swing and max burpee chins. Start with 1 swing.  Add a swing per round until the clock wins.

Got through 25 rounds before I got beat.  Then did a simple ladder up to 4 between swings and chins until minute 30, then went for max swings in a minute of 33.


20 standing ab wheels
50 pull aparts
50 dips
25 pushdowns
23 band curls
30 GHRs


* Got about 74 burpee chins before I got beat by the clock.

* It took a lot of discipline to not turn this into something incredibly ridiculous, but this was exactly what I needed for something that was moderately challenging and trained more of the “neglected” parts of my programming.  Basically, I wanted to stay away from a lot of squatting and loading of the body, so no ABCs or TABEARTAs.  Swings area always fantastic, and burpee chins are a fantastic compliment to everything.  This workout mixes swings with level changes, which is always awesome, and then the “death by” aspect puts in a challenge that keeps me on my toes, as otherwise I have a tendency to meander when it comes to this stuff.

* Added challenge is that both of my shoulders are practically locked into place due to the shots I got yesterday.  Flu shot in the left arm and COVID booster in the right.  Both hurt differently.  Was really feeling it on the burpee chins.

* My pressing muscles are sore, and I realized it may be due to the fact that yesterday was the first day I had done flat bench with a bar in like 3 months.  I forgot that I cut it out entirely for Super Squats, and the 3-4 week training block before that I had cut out all benching (going for dips, push ups and burpee chins) and then had deloads and other stuff along the way.  Makes the performance I had in it pretty cool.  Good to know I don’t HAVE to bench to be able to bench.

* Rest of workout was some daily work filler.  I’ve got Tang Soo Do later tonight, and possibly some more conditioning.  Tomorrow’s workout would be the start of the next cycle, where I’ll up the weights and see what I can do.

* Still gradually dropping calories, just to give my guts a break before we ramp up again.

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