Friday, January 6, 2023

 Training Log: Entry 2644

AM WORKOUT (0350 wake up via alarm)

**CHAOS IS THE PLAN** Week 2, Workout 5


3 rounds of:

* 3x415 low handle trap bar pull

* 3x140 weighted dip

Tear something in right lat on the 3rd rep of the 3rd round of trap bar pulls

Pivot to

10x10x135 SSB good mornings w/30 seconds rest between sets


25 axle shrugs against strong short bands

50 pull aparts

50 overhead pull aparts
25 pushdowns
26 band curls
20 standing ab wheels



10 minutes of 1 burpee straight into 1 SSB squat w/135lbs

41 rounds completed


* Chaos is the plan!  And at no better time.  I’ve essentially repeated the injury I got during BBB Beefcake, but this time on my right side vs my left.  It’s less severe, as there was no subluxation to go alongside it, but I tore along the same region.  It’s truthfully IN my armpit, high up, but it limits my pulling and bending over, so I think of it as a lat or teres minor.  It happened in the same way too: on the eccentric of the deadlift.  The fact it was on a trap bar is pretty funny, given that’s the “safer” bar.  Ultimately, it’s frustrating, but recoverable, and thankfully I’ve “been there/done that” with this one, so I know the way forward.  Cue good mornings.

* Had to use a unique style on the GMs.  Had my forearms horizontal against the handles.  My injury presents when I transition from upright to folded over, so keeping the arm elevated helped.  This was decently challenging by keeping the rest periods short.

* Shrugs had to be taken pretty slow, which had a great training effect.  Everything else was just figuring it out as I go, seeing what I could and could not do.  The fact I can still do ab wheel and burpees means this isn’t nearly as bad as the last time, and in that regard I’m blessed.

* The conditioning I came up with was decent. The big goal was going straight from the floor into the squat and back again.  Level changes galore.  

* Again: no better time to deal with this.  Chaos is the plan and will remain so.  I feel like I still can continue with the majority of what I was going with here, with a few changes.  Heavy weighted chins are going on the backburner.  


Went old school with Tabata Double KB front squats with the 24s today, to give the muscle tear a break.  These are still awful.  Tang Soo Do was pretty standard.

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