Monday, January 9, 2023

 Training Log: Entry 2647

AM WORKOUT (0338 natural wake up)

**CHAOS IS THE PLAN** Week 3, Day 1


11 rounds in 30 minutes of

* 5x235 Front Squat

* 5x141 axle clean each rep and strict press


Set timer for 8 minutes and got in 

* 4 rounds of Max Dips-Max Laterals-Max pull aparts
* 20 standing ab wheels
* 25 pushdowns

Poundstone curls


30 GHRs

62x180 reverse hypers, immediately into 7 minutes of burpee into DKB clean and press AMRAP (19 total rounds accomplished)


* Very happy I could get through this today.  I was curious how cleans were gonna go with the muscle tear, but as long as I pulled slow on the initial break off the floor and got set things were good.  Which, honestly, is actually how you’re “supposed” to clean, vs my typical spazzy jerk from the floor, so that’s good.  

* Went light on the weight advances due to circumstances, but still seeing progress.  I allowed 40 seconds between ending the round and levering my belt in prep for the next round.  Was definitely huffing and puffing at the end.

* I like what I came up with combining the reverse hypers and conditioning.  These high rep hypers are conditioning on their own, and from there I had the bells set-ups and just immediately ran up and hit my first burpee.  I’d jump from the burpee to the bells, hit the clean and press, then ride the bells down to the floor, bear crawl backwards a step or two and start and process over.  Actually had a few rounds where I had to pause on my hands and knees: definitely gassed.


  1. Hey MythicalStrength, when you used your Front Squat Harness did you use the highest pegs or the middle pegs? (Neck height or collar bone height) And is there any particular reason you stopped using the harness?

    1. Hey man, the one I own doesn't fit me too well. Early prototype
