Sunday, January 1, 2023

 Training Log: Entry 2639

Slept off and on until about 0700, got in a fasted 40 burpees over bar in about 2:20. It’s funny: burpees over bar was the OG fasted morning workout, and coming back to it STILL blows me away. I am HURTING when it’s over. Good to keep in a rotation.

Sleep has gotten a little rocky and it coincides with me switching my second energy drink to an iced coffee I found that I enjoy. A coincidence worth examining. I WANT to drink coffee over energy drinks, but I think I’ve demonstrated time and again that I am a mutant and my biology runs backwards, so who knows.

Fantastic PM workout

* Axle Grace (30 clean and presses w/136lbs) in 2:20 for a PR, straight into 18 ABCs in 5 minutes straight into TABEARTA

Had zero intentions of hitting a PR, so the nail that out the gate and then STILL keep getting after it was amazing.  Really feeling in top form again.  Great way to start 2023.


  1. Hey MythicalStrength, in your opinion, what elements of MAS wrestling make it qualify as a combat sport? Is it the fact that the competitors are trying to twist and make each other uncomfortable?

    1. It says it's a combat sport right here dude: no opinion needed.
