Saturday, January 28, 2023

 Training Log: Entry 2665

Slept off and on until 0630 and then it was a "getting after it" kinda day, so I did 3 tabata workouts throughout the day.

First one was a fasted workout where I got in 20 seconds of burpee chins with a bear complex in the 10 seconds between rounds.  Went for 4 per round for as long as I could.  

Second one was classic TABEARTA post lunch.  Trying for 4 complexes per round every time now.  I got through 4 rounds that way, then 4 with 3s.  It's amazing how slow 3 feels now.

Final was 40kg KB swings and 2 burpee chins during the 10 seconds downtime.  It was pretty miserable.  

Forearms are touch and go.  Right tricep doesn't like me, but the feeling is mutual.

Took my kid out to Golden Corral to celebrate us staying here, and then, after their sports tournament today, they wanted to go to our favorite local BBQ place.  It was a good weekend to have done a double Super Squats workout on Friday.


  1. Mate, please do another powerlifting meet. I want to see what you can hit after accumulating all these years.

    1. I appreciate that dude. Biggest issue is I can't seem to put together a training cycle without getting injured. And I won't peak, haha
