Sunday, January 22, 2023

 Training Log: Entry 2660

Slept off and on until 0700, got up and got in 40 burpees over bar, fasted.

It was a good goddamn day, because this happened

A TWO rep LIFETIME PR on 5 mins of ABCs w/24kg bells, getting 28 total.  Died for a few seconds and then did burpees into axle Clean and press w/136lbs

From the very first complex I knew it was going to be magic. I was just absolutely flying.  I could not be better primed to enter this round of Super Squats.

Which, on that note, some outstanding meal prep

3 chicken low-carb quesadillas for 3 lunches (2 air fried, one cooked in the quesadilla maker)

The innards of 5 breakfast burritos for the weak, featuring grassfed piedmontese tri tip.

There was lots more meal preps as well, but these were the most awesome.

I am over the moon for those ABCs.  Had no intention, no plan, just getting it done.  We miss 100% of the shots we don't take, and we never know when it's going to be a good day, so get after it EVERY day and good things will happen.


  1. Now that I'm in the ABC world I know how impressive 28 in 5 minutes is, killer work there dude.

    1. Thanks for that dude! My lungs were so broken, haha
