Wednesday, November 2, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2585


**CHAOS IS THE PLAN** Week 4, Workout 3

*Neutral Grip Powerlifting Meet*


* 300lb SSB squat

* 200lb swiss bar bench

* 400lb high handle trap bar pull

For 45 rounds



EMOM rounds of putting plates away as fast as possible, buy in each minute with some chins until 50 reached, then knock out 50 pull aparts, 25 pushdowns, curls and 20 standing ab wheels


* This was awesome. Perfect level of fatigue generation, solid challenge, held my interest and made time pass at a good rate.  Only real downside is the trap bar tore the hell out of my hands.  Wouldn’t be shy about running it again with the gloves I wore for the KB challenge.  My right hip was buggy coming into it, which made the trap bar the most challenging portion of it, despite the short ROM. 

* The set up is strategic: all these variations are far less technical than their straight bar components, which meant I could move MUCH faster between lifts because the set-up time was shaved away.  I still had to strategize though and shave off seconds where I could.  The bench is where most of the money is made: if I’m willing to go flat back and minimal leg drive I can just blitz through it.  Walkout on the squat was also a place to save time.  I was averaging about 20 seconds of rest between rounds.

* Nice round numbers on the lifts, for no other particular reason, but a 900lb total EMOM is also pretty cool.  1000 would, of course, be more awesome, but I am clearly “done” at the 45 minute mark.

* Filler work at the end there.  I’m working late today, so fair chance I won’t be able to get in my usual 3-5 minute conditioning blast, but somehow I’ll manage.


Tabata burpee chins, with an ABC w/24kg bells during the 10 second rest


* I figured this would work out similar to the bear complex between rounds.  Timed out just about right.  Had to go 3 BCs on the 8th vs 4, as there's a little bit of creep there, but in general I liked this, and the set up is even easier.

* No idea what I'm doing tomorrow.  Final workout before the start of Super Squats.  Be good to eat again.  Times out well with holidays and the cruise. 

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