Tuesday, November 29, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2612

AM WORKOUT (0440 natural wake up) FASTED

3 rounds of:

* 5 minutes of ABCs w/24kg bells
* TABEARTA w/95lbs


* Breakdown shook out to 20 ABCs in the first round, then 3-2-1-3-2-1-3-2 for bears, then 3 EMOM for 5 minutes on ABCS, then 2-2-2-1-2-2-2-1 for bears, then 2-3-2-4-2 for ABCs and 1-2-2-2-2-1-3-2 for bears.  So a total of 48 ABCs and 46 bear complexes in 30 minutes.

* Had an alarm set for earlier and rolled it back about 20 minutes.  Once again, the workouts between Super Squats don’t really grab me, so I’m just winging it and going for high heart rate and max suck.  But I have to appreciate that this is my “lazy workout”, and it’s being done on a torn hamstring.

* In that regard, I’m moving a little slow because of that issue, but still near top performance.  I’m at a high 85% recovered at this point.  The last little bit tends to take FOREVER to heal, but I’m incredibly functional.  The bruise has spread all over my leg and is tiger striped, so that’s cool.

* If I find myself with some more time today, I’ll get in some daily work.


Finished the day off with one more TABEARTA, this time with 3 complexes per round.  Garage is set up for Super Squats workout 11 tomorrow, and my new shirts came in that are awesome for squatting, so game on.

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