Wednesday, November 9, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2592

I went to bed around 2000 but just felt miserable for hours. Real bad phlegmy raking cough. Around midnight, my fever broke and I could sleep off and on until about 0700.

Woke up and meandered for a bit before I did a fasted workout from Brian Alrsuhe.


Do 1 push up, stand up, then do 2, stand up, 3 all the way to 10 and back down to 1. Got it done in 4:48. Was breathing hard at the end. Going to just ease through the day and see what I can manage. Super Squats resumes on Friday: gotta be ready.

I’ve gotten in 27 burpee chins in 5 minutes and 50 burpees in 4:48 currently. Just doing little chunks throughout the day. The cough is the big limiter: once a fit hits me I’m out for a bit.


Ok, most likely the final bit of training for today.  Did a Tabata burpee chin with a 50lb devil press between rounds followed by a 30 minute walk.  Good to get some fresh air.  Also some light band work.

Having a nasty cough has been great ab work, and eating a bunch of carbs from Halloween candy yesterday just to get in SOME calories has my whole body all swollen up, so I am rocking this "sick physique".


  1. Hope you feel better soon sir.

    1. Thanks man. I appreciate that. Thankfully, it's not COVID.
