Friday, November 18, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2601

AM WORKOUT (0345 wake up via alarm)

**SUPER SQUATS** Workout 6

(3) Incline DB Bench/weighted chin superset


Behind the neck press/band pull apart superset

3x10x125/50 reps total

Squats/DB pull overs


Ran out of profanity and switched to blasphemy, followed by max rep Hail Marys to repent.

Kroc rows


Reverse hypers


Axle shrugs against strong short bands




5 rounds of

* 20 KB swings w/40kg bell

* 10 dips

* 4 standing ab wheels

Time: 7:58

25 band pushdowns

18 band curls


* I am almost over my sinus infection/RSV.  Last night was my first night without Mucinex Night Shift.  I had a few coughing fits, but I woke up significantly less groggy, which was a win.  I had to stifle some coughs early in the squat set, and I ended up having a small fit at the end of the pull-overs, but hopefully, by Monday, I’ll be 100% and able to really dig into the breathing portion of these breathing squats.

* I tried a slightly higher bar position and it actually ended up worse than last time.  My left hand started going numb around rep 12, and by rep 17 I could feel both hands opening up.  Had to rush a little toward the end to make sure I’d make it through in time.  You can actually see me struggling to take the belt off when it’s done because I can’t manipulate my fingers enough to work the Velcro.

* The squats themselves are just plain going fantastic.  I’m pleased with the depth I’m hitting, despite having to squat around my hamstring.  My right lower abdominal is still burning a bit on these, which is partly a result of not having a real power belt, but in that regard I’m also honestly just tickled with how well I’m squatting without a belt.  Coming into Super Squats this time around, with a bigger background in higher rep work, has served me well.  20 reps of squats is honestly not too big an undertaking when you’ve done a single set of 800 KB swings. Once I hit rep 10, there was no doubt I’d get through it.  

* Keep forgetting to log it, but I’m only resting 1 minute between sets of the non-squat work.  Before the squat, I rest for 2 minutes.  I’m also not logging my squat warm-ups, but they’re really minimal.  Typically, 3-5 reps with the bar, 2 reps with 195, 1 rep with 285 and 1 rep with the workset weight, just to make sure my hamstring is up to task.  I’m not even warming up for anything else: jumped straight into the DBs this morning, and I start with the workweight for press on the other days.

* The conditioning at the end was a decent decision.  Got in more hip hinging and cleaned up most of my daily work.  Still would like to get in some GHRs and some sort of 3-5 minute conditioning blast.  Also have Tang Soo Do tonight.  Supposed to be “Wild card cardio”, which at least will get the heart rate up.


15 ABCs in 2:20


* Short on time so blasted out max unbroken before Tang Soo Do, which was itself a decent workout.

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