Friday, November 25, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2608

Slept until 0700, woke up and hit a fasted workout of Tabata burpee chins w/bear complexes between rounds.



**SUPER SQUATS** Workout 9

Axle clean and strict press/band pull aparts superset (1 min rests)
3x10x156/50 reps total

Weighted Dips/axle rows superset (a min rests)

Breathing Squats/pull over

Very brief interlude to have this entire exchange with my hamstring


Because I'm f--king stupid.  I don't give a f--k about jail.  That's my business.  That's what I do.


Poundstone Curls

25 pushdowns
20 standing ab wheels


* Hamstring is coming along, and was well enough for 16 reps of 315 while wrapped up before it started giving me some warnings.  Against all my instincts, I racked the bar, went for 17 and still felt it being stupid, so racked it again, got in the pull overs, realize I still had more in me, so stripped off an appropriate amount of weight and got in a legit 20 breathing squat workout.  One of the biggest lessons I've learned from this process is something Randall Strossen wrote 30+ years ago: you can still get the benefits of this workout without a lot of weight on the bar.  That was a legit Super Squats set at the end there.

* People constantly ask me "what do I do if I fail to get the 20 reps?"  Let this be an answer; YOU F--KING GET AFTER IT!  That's the answer!

* Realized I've been 10lbs off logging all my SLDL workouts.  I'm simply logging it more accurately now.

* I may actually make the second half of this run of Super Squats one where I go back to 315 and get in 25-30 reps, as a means of meeting intent while keeping loading on the leg lighter.  Gives me room to also give this ANOTHER run when I get back from my cruise with a more traditional approach.  Chaos is the plan and I am LOVING it.  I am learning a ton and just living this experience. 

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