Sunday, November 27, 2022

 Training Log: Entry 2610

Got up around 0630 and got in 25 burpees over bar fasted.  Ran around like a lunatic all day, got in 2 hours of yard work taking care of leaves and then hit the following while my air fryer worked on some green beans

5 minutes of ABCs w/24kg bells (20 total)

straight into

TABEARTA (went 3-3-2-2-3-1-3 for complexes per round)

Getting 20 ABCs with a torn hamstring in 5 minutes is pretty damn awesome.  

Tomorrow is Super Squats.  Either taking 315 for a ride on squats or we're doing Good Mornings.  We're in the second half of the program now and I'm learning a TON.  

I have an idea for the future based on my experience here.  

* The book talks about doing Super Squats for 6 weeks and then something different for 6 weeks before coming back.  

* 5/3/1 programs tend to run for 6 weeks (among others, sure, but still)

* I have 5/3/1 Forever, which has about 50 different 5/3/1 programs in it.

* I'm considering doing a cycle of Super Squats, then a different 5/3/1 program each time to test them all out and see what I like/what I can learn.

* On top of that, each cycle of Super Squats itself can ALSO be a unique run of it.  Some can be traditional 20 reps/increase weight each time.  Some can be fixed weight increase reps.  Some can meet in the middle.  Some can be Super Good Mornings.  Some can be Super Trap Bar lifts.  There is SO much room for variation while ALSO keeping things the same.  The ultimate "Chaos is the Plan".  And I have SO much room to pivot.

* Getting back into Super Squats really re-lit something, and at this point "playing the game how I want to play it" is what keeps me going.  There's still room for some Deep Water runs in there too.  This has a lot of room to be something.

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