Tuesday, May 2, 2023

 Training Log: Entry 2756

AM WORKOUT (0345 natural wake up) FED: 1 scoop of Metabolic drive w/raw egg at 0045, egg whites upon waking

**PLAGUE OF STRENGTH’S “FEAST” PROGRAM** Week 3, Workout 2 (Bench)

Touch and go axle bench (short rests, around 1 min or so)

2xAMRAPx181 w/wide grip

Weighted dips superset w/hanging leg raise

2x6x135+2xAMRAP w/DC style rest pause
5xAMRAP hanging leg raise

5 round circuit of

* 12x105 short military press (focus on holding tension in the muscles, no lockout)
* 12 light band rope pushdowns
* 12 light band overhead tricep extensions


Tabata interval squats and push ups (squats on the 20, push ups on the 10), getting 20 squats and 15 push ups for first 15 rounds, then get in remaining 75 push ups for 300 total on both: 19 rounds

10 rounds in 8 minutes of

* 10 KB swings w/80lb bell
* 5 chins (various grips)


2+ mile brisk walk


* While the Mrs is away my mornings are a bit more manic, so I’m shortening workouts where I can here while keeping everything in.  Touch and go bench is faster to set up and execute than dead bench.  That said, I think I’ve got a great 3 week wave here.  1st week is dead bench, second is dead against bands, 3rd is touch and go.  I could do some reverse bands to seal the deal if I wanted.  While I was running Famine, 300lbs was destroying me.  Today, I absolutely owned it.  Yeah, there were some struggle reps, it was ALSO done with stupid short rests while my hands were f**king bleeding because the cuts on them kept opening back up, haha.  I am getting stupidly strong while losing fat and hitting anatomy chart levels of leanness.  This is nuts.

* Dips saw a slight decrease in performance, which I’m willing to take given the sheer beating I’d administered with the benching leading up to it, and how my hands weren’t 100% there.

* I was dying on those military presses.  Had just given my all.  

* That Tabata circuit really is the new way forward.  Today, I really had to push hard to stick with 20s and 15s.  It keeps me honest.  And it becomes it’s own workout.  But I, in turn, found myself with a little bit of a time surplus, so I tacked on that 8 minute finisher.  Never even realized that this was a total Dan John approved workout.  Push and squat, then hinge and pull, and I’ll get in my loaded carries later with a weighted vest walk.  Rock on.

* In that regard, when I re-run Famine, I feel like 300 swings a day on top of the other stuff makes SO much sense.  It fits the whole “repetitive motion” aspect Jamie is going for, and the swings are a great balance for the push ups and the squats.  Since I can get the push ups and squats knocked out in about 8:30 these days, it’d probably be like 15-18 minutes total of daily work.  

* While I’m in a strategizing mode, plan for the next few days: gonna make tomorrow “Dealer’s choice”, since I have to get to work stupid early.  Will get in mat pulls, push ups, squats, and a weighted vest walk as the minimum.  The next day I’m taking off of work and it’s the day of the 5lb burger challenge, so I’m gonna train and fast all day.  I’ll open up with the squats and shrugs workout, mow lawns with a weighted vest and take care of some grocery shopping/chores, and then in the afternoon take on the press and bench workout.  I’m gonna go with Metabolic Drive shakes all day leading up to the event, as the liquid won’t take up and stomach real-estate.  Those two workouts are brutal, and will really have my body just gasping for nutrients.  I’ll get in a walk with the dog/kiddo in the evening as well, and use activity to distract me from hunger through the day.  I wanna show up absolutely ravenous.  Maybe I’ll get in some sled work for the cherry on top.

* Just can’t get over how amazing everything is.  Totally unrelated but wanted to log it here: I saw Jon Andersen meal prep a bunch of egg whites by pouring them into a slow cooker and cooking it for 4 hours.  I wanna steal that.  I think you could do that to make a breakfast scramble.

PM update

1.5 mile dog walk w/50lb vest

Still eating until I'm done.  This was my dinner tonight

Half a chicken, egg whites, sour cream.  

Super blown away by my kid though.  Our project tonight was for them to make their full dinner meal.  They made a quesadilla burger w/Havarti cheese, a hashbrown and some no sugar added applesauce

Teaching them how to cook it was a blast, and I love the independence they are developing from it.  Being able to cook is freedom.  You get to set the terms of how you live.  Earlier this week they made Metabolic Drive protein cheesecake cookies

What a fantastic dessert. Completely parental guilt free for them to eat something like that, and they love it.  

Great times all around in the household.

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