Saturday, May 27, 2023

 Training Log: Entry 2780

Weekend wasn't quite as bonkers as usual, primarily because I have 4 days off work so we used yesterday to get a lot of chores knocked out. 

Slept in until 0730, got in 150 squats and 250 push ups first thing, had that breakfast which was an omelet of 2 whole pasture raised eggs, 1 egg white, some grassfed piedmontese steak tips, chicken bacon, grassfed butter and grassfed swiss that I topped with grassfed sour cream, next to it is more piedmontese steak tips, a Don Lee Farm's organic chicken patty and some paleo chicken sausages.  Also had some real pork bacon and a little grassfed polish sausage alongside it.  And the black coffee and a cinnamon egg wrap with some grassfed cottage cheese inside.

Got in the remaining squats and push ups to get to 300 each, lunch at Q'doba was 8 ounces of adobo chicken, 8oz of pulled pork and 8oz of ground beef.  The ground beef was a poor choice from a carnivore standpoint, since I'm sure they use some sort of maltodextrin based taco seasoning based on how I bloated/swole up immediately post consumption, but it was a big psychological win because I never would have permitted myself to eat that before.  I wanted ground beef, so I got ground beef.  That just makes sense.  Also, they charge you 3.25 for 8oz of cooked meat at Q'doba, which is just fantastic.  I think they have become my favorite fast food place.  

Got in 150kb swings w/24kg bell, followed immediately by a shirtless 2.25 mile walk out in the sun to get some vitamin D, and as soon as I got back I knocked out 27 burpee chins in 2 minutes, which is flying.  I LOVE that style of training: get the heart rate up, ride it out, come back and do it again.  I may start up the heavy hands next time I do this.  I like the vest, but I also like getting full sun exposure, and this seems like a good way to meet in the middle.

Dinner was Kevin's Korean BBQ Beef

Which is awesome, since it's grassfed beef, and I made mine without the sauce, and put it on top of egg whites, to have steak and eggs.  But I also made a batch WITH the sauce for the family, because it's REALLY good.

We're looking at getting in a walk later, wherein I'll throw on the weight vest.  Otherwise, been a lot of activity going on while keeping carbs low and animal products high.  Just a fantastic way to live.  And I'm still jacked out of my mind and feeling awesome.

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