Tuesday, May 23, 2023

 Training Log: Entry 2776

AM WORKOUT (0330 natural wake up, snoozed until 0350) FASTED


GIANT SET (Squat-row-abs), 60 second rests

SSB Squat
20x260 (miscalculated percentage), into 15x210

Viking row

Hanging leg raise
5xAMRAP (pretty much all triples)

SUPERSET (calves-quads) in a circuit

Calf raise

Leg extensions


15 rounds, 90 seconds per round of

* 12 GHRs
* 20 squats
* 20 push ups
* 10 swings w/24kg bell

BREAKFAST (2 scoops of Metabolic Drive w/2 egg whites, small piece of beef liver, lots of coffee)

Brisk 2 mile walk


* This was an interesting workout.  I woke up feeling pretty beat up and was fairly convinced that 420 on the SSB wasn’t gonna happen.  I actually went to bed the night before wondering what I could do OTHER than 420 on the SSB to achieve the objective, and just came up blank.  During warm-ups, I felt like hell.  I actually took an overwarm, which is uncharacteristic of me, but everything was feeling heavy and I was worried about how I’d respond to the worksets.  Set 1 was ROUGH, but I was able to find myself as time went on, and eventually hit a pretty solid groove.  Suddenly, 4 sets had passed, I move on to my deathset, came in with zero expectations, met them with 20 reps, and as I was racking the weight realized I had miscalculated: instead of 50% of 420, I put on 50% of 520.  That felt great to know why my performance was so rough, and gave me incentive to get back after it.  Stripped it down to 210 and really left it all out there.  That felt pretty awesome.

* Viking rows continue to just be a fantastic movement.

* It was pretty amazing having absolutely nothing left in me when I got to the leg raises.  This was just exhausting, and I’m sure part of that is running off of protein shakes, egg whites and very lean cuts of steak.

* I did an extra set of calf raises for no particular reason: just lack of attention to detail.  Meanwhile, I felt like the leg extensions worked better today.  Just making them quick and pumpy was the right call.

* Completely abandoned the 3x25 construct for the hamstring work and just got after it with the circuit workout at the end.  It’s good enough and meets intent.  

* That 180.6 on the scale is nuts, especially given I was 185.0 yesterday.  Bodies are crazy.  That’s also not a “first thing in the morning”, so there’s a chance I’m even lighter.  I’m stupidly lean.  I keep saying “anatomy chart” lean.  I’m seeing the socketry in my abdominals, veins are everywhere, full serratus, etc.  And I’m not suffering to get here.  I had a pizza buffet on Saturday and 4 beef back ribs for lunch on Sunday, and 2 steaks last night for dinner.  The last time I was this lean, I was absolutely miserable, suffering, and sacrificing.  I am thriving here.  And getting stronger.  And happy.  I can’t speak more highly of this experience.   

PM Workout was a 1.5 mile walk with a 50lb weighted vest

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