Wednesday, May 10, 2023

 Training Log: Entry 2764

AM WORKOUT (0345 Natural Wakeup) FED: 1 scoop of Metabolic Drive w/raw egg at 0030, egg whites upon waking


Low handle trap bar pulls 10x2x425 

Superset w/ 

4x20 pull aparts
4x6x35lb kb hammer curls 

Low handle Trap bar rows 6x6x300lbs 

Superset w/

5xAMRAP hanging leg raise 

3x25x48lbs Axle curls


15 rounds of 20 squats and 20 push ups, but EMOM do 8 KB swings w/80lb bell

Accomplished in 18:56


2 mile walk


* This was a good day for low handle for me, which is traditionally a lift I struggle with.  And this is 10lbs over the weight that tore my lat, so that’s a win.  Big thing was focusing on getting my hips low and trying to squat the weight off the floor vs pull it.  Being healthier and leaner probably helps, as it allowed me to get into a better position.  Went with strict 30 second periods of unf**king myself.  I’d be hesitant to call it 30 second rests, as it was more like “let 30 seconds pass, buckle the belt, set the straps, get your head right”, so by the time I actually start moving it’s probably about 60 seconds.  Biggest struggle was not blacking out on every second rep.  Still getting blood pressure figured out.

* Those rows were amazing!  Putting them on mats is a game changer.  Puts them in a good position and gives me the confidence to really slam it.  That’s going to be fantastic for the upcoming famine protocol.

* I can tell the hammer and leg raises were mailed in.

* Liked being able to turn push ups and squats into a conditioning circuit with the swings.   Swings definitely seem like something worth including.  Address a lot of missing pieces.  

* I’ve got Tang Soo Do later tonight, and I’m gonna call that my extra activity.  Got company coming on Friday, which will impact eating/training minorly, but it’s an excellent time for the Feast ending right before the famine.  Do it big this weekend, then lean times.


  1. Hey MythicalStrength, would you be willing to give a nod of approval to this statement. "Trap Bar Deadlifts don't help you train the technique of a barbell deadlift, but they do train your general floor pull strength which can have noticeable carryover to the barbell deadlift if you just practice with a barbell later."

    1. I'll have to think about what you mean. Thanks man!
