Wednesday, May 3, 2023

 Training Log: Entry 2757

AM WORKOUT (0345 natural wake up)

**PLAGUE OF STRENGTH'S "FEAST" ROUTINE** Week 3, Workout 3 "Dealer's Choice".  FED: 1 scoop of metabolic drive w/raw egg at 2345, egg whites upon waking

(3) Texas Deadlift Bar Mat Pulls

Straight into 2 mile walk w/50lb vest (average pace 3.0 mph)

Straight into Tabata intervals squat/push ups (20 squats on the 20s/15 push ups on the 10s) for 15 rounds, then remainder of push ups done for sub 9 minute total


* What an absolutely fantastic morning workout.  I had to get to work early today and work longer hours, so I shifted the schedule around to get this in and hit all my daily requirements.  This was almost a full on Dan John approved workout too: heavy hinge, weighted carry, push and squat.  Just needs some pulls, and I was contemplating chins, but schedule worked the way it did.

* Weighed in a 185.3, 3lbs up from last week, FINALLY gaining weight on the feast, and still getting stupidly lean.  

* I'll be really pushing it to the limit with the eating challenge tomorrow: I'm so excited for that.


Just gonna keep sharing the dinner food porn.  Tomorrow will be especially crazy with the eating challenge, but tonight I finished off that chicken and a bunch of egg whites with sour cream

Tang Soo Do went well enough.  I have the day off work tomorrow, with a plan to do a 2 a day for lifting, a lot of weight vest lawn mowing, dog walking, napping, and Metabolic Drive until I crush this challenge.


  1. Good luck tomorrow MythicalStrength. My friend and I wagered $20 on the result. I'm hoping you beat it!

    1. Thanks dude! If you win, spend half of that on a copy of "Powerlifting Basics Texas Style" if you don't already have it.

    2. I already own it. (due for a re-read though) I was just gonna donate it to the Boy and Girls Club.

    3. That's so awesome of you dude! I hope to bring it home for you.
