Friday, December 18, 2015

Training Log: Entry 2007


4x50' arm over arm pull

2 rounds of

1x50' arm over arm pull

follow with

1x50' push

1x50' arm over arm pull w/90lbs

Notes: Somewhat hard to write out. Did a 50' arm over arm pull 4 times unloaded. Then did 2 rounds of a 50' arm over arm pull where, as soon as the prowler came to me, I pushed it back 50'. Then loaded up the prowler with 90lbs and pulled it 50'.

The pushes were SLOW and controlled. Was going up an incline, and made sure my footing was secure before I exerted any amount of force. I'm sure my physical therapist would still be pretty mad to hear about that, but it felt good on the knee, and it was easier than pulling it back due to the windy trial I was on.

I need to quit jumping to 90lb loads, as it radically transforms the exercise from conditioning to strength. I'm not using any lower body power here, so stick with 10s and go gradual.

Still a great workout. My back was actually sore before this. Apparently 296 chin ups is what it takes for that to happen. Good to know.

Woke up at 186.4. The super low carb day went pretty well. I think I ended up somewhere in terms of 40-50 grams total, and it was all from non-direct carb sources (primarily nuts and broccoli). However, it was pretty crazy on my digestive system too. Instead of pushing fat on this day, I might instead just really jack up the protein.

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