Wednesday, April 19, 2023

 Training Log: Entry 2743

 WORKOUT (0405 natural wake up) SEMI-FASTED: 1 scoop of Metabolic Drive w/raw egg at 0045


High handle trap bar rows 


Band pull aparts, then KB hammer curls (so do the 4 sets of pull aparts, then then 4 sets of KB hammer curls)
4x6x35lb hammer curls

Low handle trap bar bent over rows


Hanging leg raises
5xAMRAP hanging leg raises

Axle curls


Alternating EMOM of bodyweight squats and push ups (odd minute squats, even minute push ups)
300 of each accomplished in total time of 11:15


2 mile walk


* Just gonna say that I wish I coulda pulled heavier.  In my mind I’m still the guy that could rip 600 off the floor with no issues.  But I have to remember the circumstances.  It’s 0400, I’m semi-fasted, I’ve torn several muscles that completely shut down pulling for months (which, victory here, everything held together without an issue), and I’m about 20lbs lighter from my “top form”.  The effort was there, and that’s what matters.  My right hip is still junked up from Super Squats, but I don’t destroy it with each rep like I was doing with squats.  I actually have some “gateway briefs” that I’ve thought about breaking out sometime: this might be the program to give them a go.

 * I dig how easy it was to work supersets into today and speed things along.  It’s a brutal day with pulls mixed with hard rows, but the remaining work is light and smooth enough.

* I’m sure I’ve upset someone by doing hammer curls with KBs. They’re a great choice for arm work.  Honestly, for anything.  KBs just plain rock.  The slightly thicker handles are appreciated as well.

* Really digging into Jamie’s instruction to just put the effort into the rows and now worry about the form.  It’s liberating.  Trap bar rows definitely feel nice to just slam.  Weight distribution is favorable.

* I will say today is a bit of an anomaly in general: my wife is away at work and my kid is a deep sleeper so I’m less concerned with making noise in the garage.  Next week, I’ll have to churchmouse it.

* Those axle curls at the end were the right weight, which is to say: light.  By set 4 of the rows, I was DEAD on my feet.  There is a temptation to break the Surge back out for these workouts, but so far I’m gonna lean toward more f-o-o-d first.

* That little EMOM workout to get in the daily push ups and squats was a good touch.  It takes me 9:15 just to do 300 squats, so breaking it up like this was far more efficient.  And then the 2 mile walk sealed it.  


* Took the dog for a 1.5 mile walk while I wore a 40lb weighted vest.  Also, check out this fantastic carnivore feast meal

Most the literature I've seen says it's impossible to overeat on carnivore.  I'm sure I could prove that quite wrong.

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