Wednesday, April 12, 2023

 Training Log: Entry 2736

AM WORKOUT (0350 natural wake up) Semi-Fasted: 1 scoop Metabolic Drive shake at 0100

**PLAUGE OF STRENGTH’S “FAMINE” WORKOUT** Week 2, Day 4 (it’s the Day 4 workout, done on day 3 due to schedule)

Axle Bench Press (1:50 between work sets, 25 band pull aparts between worksets)
1x2+x321 (failed on the third rep attempt, hit the j-hook)

Behind the Neck Press/Hanging Leg Raise Superset (90 seconds rest between sets of BtN press)
6 sets of 115 (12 reps in first set, then 6s and 7s), pause 2 seconds at top
5xAMRAP leg raise

15 minutes of dips
300 total (ran over time to accomplish)

Fat Gripz concentration curl circuit (no rest, 1 arm, then the other until done)

2 mile forced march

153 bodyweight squats and 60 push ups in 5 minutes


* Opened with a HARD triple on the bench, and that set the pace for the rest of the workout.  Wanted that final triple at the end, but kept hitting the j-hooks each set and it finally came to a head.  Given my weight loss, pressing strength tends to be the first thing to drop, so being able to hold on is a victory in and of itself.  Caught myself psyching myself up on the final set and shut that down.  Got in some pull aparts here because I knew I wasn’t going to squeeze them in anywhere else: goal today was to get this workout done quick.

* The speed goal drove the BtN/ab work supersets.  Seemed to be where I’d experience the least interference.  I had a performance decline here compared to last week looking at it purely in terms of numbers, but as far as effort and pump goes this was MUCH better than last week.  My ROM is really solid as well.  And I was definitely feeling the fatigue at the end.

* Went with a different approach on the dips this time around: used some DoggCrapp style deep breathing rest pause between sets and still went for Jamie’s RX of as many sets as possible with half my best rep topset.  I got through 6 sets of 20 legit, and then after that I’d rest pause until I got to 20 before stepping away and doing the 12 deep breaths.  When I had 5 minutes remaining, I shut that all the way down and just chipped away at it with a goal of getting 300 in 15 like I did the previous week.  I had to run over to get it done, but I’d rather have the reps.

* Concentration curls are real “taking my medicine” sorta stuff.  Don’t care for them, can see the value.  This is about the only time my torn bicep becomes apparent to me, as my left struggles to keep up with my right.  The fat grip is a nice enough touch.

* Just like yesterday, I managed to get in 2 miles of a fast walk/slow jog, with the last .25 miles being a flat out run.  Sticking with the theme of the program, I liked to think of it as marching to the battlefield before charging the enemy.  Came back and set a timer to get in as much of the bodyweight work as I could.  Prioritized squats over push ups today, since I got in those 300 dips previously.  I’ll get the rest of it done through the day.

* Remembered to step on the scale today.  Typically I weigh in on Thurs or Fri, but I was aware enough to do it today.  It read “187.8”.  I was 201.0 in the final week of Super Squats, and apparently 12 days ago I was 190.0.  So I’m looking at 13.2lbs in 41 days, just about 2lbs a week.  Pretty nutty, given I’m not even trying to lose weight.  Keep seeing more and more leanness PRs.


  1. Freaking hell. Hitting all this at sub 190 after a period of weight loss? You're leaving humanity behind lately man. The rest of us are Yamchas watching you go train to fight Cell.

    1. Hey thanks for that man! I actually always was a Yamcha fan, funny enough. "Wolf fang fist!", haha. Something admirable about being completely outmatched and still going out there.
