Sunday, April 2, 2023

 Training Log: Entry 2726

Another wild weekend.  Mrs is traveling today, so got up and got in 200 push ups and 200 bodyweight squats fasted in 10:58.  For this one, I did 100-50-50.  No matter how you slice it, it's awful.  After breakfast I got in the remaining 100 for each.

Got in a 1.5 mile walk with the dog while wearing a 40lb vest.  I kinda liked going with the 40.  It created a stimulus but wasn't murdering me.  I might go Easy Strength with this and train it until it feels "right" and slowly move up.  Or maybe that's DBZ...either way.

Played with my new toys today for the PM workout



* 90lb axle viking press thruster
* 85lb circus dumbbell goblet squat
* NG chins

Time: Sub 27 minutes

Alongside 50 pull aparts.  

A few takeaways with that conditioning, is that viking press thrusters are awesome and don't tear up my hips nearly as bad as traditional barbell ones, this workout was totally gassing me but I also kept digging in the well and finding more, and I imagine that speaks to my glycogen stores being topped off again with the big cheat meal.   Only giving myself 30 minutes because my kiddo was waiting to play some video games did the trick today, but I honestly came in only expecting to do 21-15-9 and instead it just kept going.  Also, I had an INSANE pump afterwards.  Once again: glycogen.

My lunch was some amazing wings at a local BBQ place that's become a Sunday tradition and dinner was some air fried Mahi Mahi filets with a side of egg whites.  I picked up a trick from a Stan Efferding podcast where he talked about putting down a piece of parchment paper in the air fryer before cooking, and it makes clean up stupidly easy, especially with fish.  I kinda want to buy a whole new air fryer just so I can keep it immaculate from now on.  But this is also why I listen to podcasts when I have downtime: I'll go through a few hundred hours of stuff I already know just to pick up that ONE nugget.  It's the same way I got that workout from Jon Andersen about squatting for 20 reps, dropping the bar and deadlifting it for 20.  

Actually, let's do some air fryer food porn too, because I did meal prep for the week, which is real simple on this diet.  Costco "organic" chicken drumsticks with greek gyro seasoning

New program starts tomorrow, and I'm seriously amped for it.  Maybe that's because I'm currently more coffee than man.  Roger that on the caffeine Jamie.  I can't wait to show off some of the contraptions I've come up with.  Sadly, the log incline bench idea I had was a non-starter, but I'm glad I tested it first.

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