Tuesday, April 11, 2023

 Training Log: Entry 2735

AM WORKOUT (0355 natural wake up) Semi-fasted: 1 scoop Metabolic Drive shake at 0100


SSB Squats (1:50 between sets)

No, seriously, I’m going to stop logging for a second so we can all just take a moment and reflect on that.  That was absolutely nuts.

Viking row/leg extension/leg curl supersets (extensions for first 3 sets, curls for final 3, 90 seconds rest starting from completion of Viking row)
6x20x60lbs on row
3x25x50 for extensions and curls

Calf raise/leg raise superset circuit (no rest, just bounce between the two)
5xAMRAP leg raise

Completed in an hour, shaved 10 minutes off previous time

Immediately followed up with 2 mile forced march, 100 push ups, 50 bodyweight squats


* I am all that is squats.  Seeing the progress between these two weeks, while bodyfat continues to drop, and the fact I hit this the day after a protein sparing modified fast of nothing but protein shakes: I am absolutely more trouble than I am worth.  That deathset was absolutely nuts.  I am such a fan of how this is unfolding.

* Pretty much just held on for the rest of the workout.  Playing around and saving time where I can, which is invaluable this week.  I liked the supersets I came up with.  I could see doing a Brian Alsruhe giant set here, going row-legs-hanging leg raise repeat.  

* To get my 2 miles in, it was a combination fast walk/slow jog, and then the last lap was me actually going for a full out run for the sake of time.  Working 12s, making it work.  That also meant I was hustling around the neighborhood in my pure 90s get up of headband, red hot pants, blue cut off and knee sleeves.  Maybe they think I'm trying out for pro-wrestling...

* On the “making it work” part, I also had to mainline my coffee this morning to get in my caffeine.  That was fun.  But it all got done.  Push ups and squats aren’t going to be a big obligation.  

* I am seriously just over the moon with how awesome this has been.  My body feels fantastic as well.  Very much healed from Super Squats.  I could hit those heavy squats and feel some discomfort and pain, but then it would pass, whereas before it would basically set me up for agony for the rest of the day.

Got in the remainder of my push ups and squats at work

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