Friday, April 14, 2023

Training Log: Entry 2738

AM WORKOUT (0345 natural wake up) Semi-Fasted: 1 scoop of Metabolic Drive at 0045


Set a 1 hour timer and got in as much as I could

(6) Mat pulls
14+4+4x405+chains (there was a warm-up too, but who cares)

Several sets of band pull aparts while I try to Humpty-Dumpty myself back together

Belt squat stripset
54x200, then 3-5 reps of 175-150-125-100-75-50-25-axle

Band pull aparts while questioning life decisions

Kroc rows

Axle shrug against strong short bands

Flat DB bench non-stop reps

Lateral raise dropset
20xEmpty Hands

Poundstone curls

Standing ab wheel

End of hour

2 mile forced march
200 bodyweight squats in 5:30
50 more bodyweight squats while waiting for shower to warm up


* I got 5 hours of sleep leading into this.  I’m in an interesting state where I’m constantly exhausted yet I can turn in insane performances on the training.  This was an outstanding day and I left it all out there on so many exercises.  Really appreciated my ability to dig on those mat pulls and that set of belt squats.   Both took a chunk out of my soul.  My hip felt outstanding on the mat pulls: just a slight amount of pain breaking the weight off at the start.  Legs were absolutely blown up after the squats. The blown out blood vessel report post training was a solid testament to effort put in.

* I really appreciate Jamie’s genius with this day.  It’s been an outstanding outlet for all those things I tend to sneak into training when left to my own devices, and has resulted in me creating a very brutal training day.  It’s cool how it’s pretty much a “single set” theme.  Shows what I gravitate toward.  

* I really like those DB benches.  Just keep churning out reps.  Very solid pump.

* The “forced march” was definitely more run than march today, but I am really pleased that I managed to get in my 2 miles OUTSIDE for the majority of this week.  I thought for sure I’d have to break protocol and do walking inside the office to make it all work.  Whole lotta getting to yes. In that regard, getting those 200 bodyweight squats in at the end was BRTUAL, but it’s what needs to get done.  

* Good chance I’ll be working through the weekend as well, but the literal heavy lifting is done. Will have to figure out how the Rampage is gonna work.  I am just stupid lean these days.  I’m flat right now, but so lean that even while flat I’m carving out a solid physique.

* I just realized how on point my outfit was for today.  SO much urban camo, haha.


Got in 50 squats and 300 push ups at work.   Still appreciate the genius of the daily requirement here.  When I started, this murdered me, and now I just plow through it.

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