Monday, April 24, 2023

 Training Log: Entry 2748

AM WORKOUT (0355 natural wake up. Rough night of sleep, trying to digest that huge meal, and honestly just excited about eating and training) Fed: 1 scoop of metabolic drive w/raw egg at 0030, egg whites  upon waking.

**PLAGUE OF STRENGTH’S “FEAST” ROUTINE** Week 2, Workout 1 (Heavy Squat Partials)

Chains suspended Buffalo Bar Anderson Squats against light bands w/10 second hold at top of each rep


5xAMRAP Hanging leg raises between first 5 sets
4x50 calf raises between next 4 (55lbs, 25lbs, BW, BW)

Wide Stance Buffalo Bar Good Mornings superset w/Chins


10 rounds of

* 15 GHRs
* 30 bodyweight squats
* 30 push ups

That took about 25 minutes, going at a leisurely pace


Brisk 2 mile walk


* Unlike some other authors, Jamie is BIG on experimenting, so I’m playing around.  My big thing is remembering intent the whole time: lift heavy and big, because this is festival time.  I ALWAYS dig dead weight against bands, because overcoming those bands from a dead pause is SO intense.  I also like bands because I stop thinking about how much weight is on the bar.  It’s a great way to really “keep the goal the goal”.  Slowly edged my way up on the squats until I found what felt “right”.  Looking at the video, I like this depth a lot more, and I did my best to try to keep my real squat stance vs trying to turn Anderson squats into its own movement.  The set-up for this isn’t too complex, which is really the big thing.  Also, I wore my SUPER heavy duty knee sleeves (vs typical Heavy Duty) and that was the absolute right call.  Right knee still being buggy (and actually buckled during GHRs this morning), but this went a long way.  Right hip had a vote too.

* Made a point to fully extend during the eccentric of the hanging leg raise, and it makes a big difference: gotta remember that for the future.

* Doing calf raises with those knee sleeves on is like a form of occlusion training.  Major cramping.

* Swallowed my pride for the good mornings and it was 100% the right call.  Forcing myself to keep the knees as straight as possible radically transformed this.

* Chins were mailed in: can’t go hard on everything.

* Fully committing to the GHRs vs hamstring curls at this point.  Doing them in a circuit like that with the push ups and squats was just to get those things knocked out, but it was a decent little circuit none the less.   I was uploading the training video in the middle of it, so wasn’t pushing to the extreme, but I got in 150 GHRs, 300 squats and 300 push ups: that’s awesome.

* I’ve still got the sled packed in my truck, and my kid has a sports practice I’ll drop them off at this evening.  I’m thinking about doing anything quick parking lot workout there.  My walk this morning was the fastest it’s been: I’m really focusing on making it intentional.

* I was absolutely blown away with how ridiculously vascular I was at the end of the workout.  The post Rampage workouts are always crazy this way.  I am seeing such awesome physical results.

* Bands AND chains.  I HAD to wear my Westside shirt for this workout.


Got in a 15 minute sled workout while kiddo was at sports practice. Similar to last time, but did 15 swings and 5 burpees vs full on humane burpee. I have done enough squats today. Really just nice to get outside and break a sweat.

On the carnivore meal front...

Steak and eggs is ALWAYS the answer...unless it can be DOUBLE steak and eggs.

Dinner tonight. A piedmontese flat iron on the left, grassfed filet mignon on the right, egg whites on the left, pasture raised whole eggs on the right

That's a grain fed steak on the left. It was delicious. This is Nebraska and the corn is amazing. I can eat this because its a lean steak. Things are making sense.

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