Wednesday, April 26, 2023

 Training Log: Entry 2750

AM WORKOUT (0335 natural wake up, legit so excited to train I couldn’t sleep any more) FED: 1 scoop of metabolic drive w/raw egg at 0030, egg whites upon waking

**PLAGUE OF STRENGTH’S “FEAST” ROUTINE** Week 2, Workout 3 (pulls)

Ox Lift! (I have ALWAYS wanted to do this)

10x2 (adding weight every set, topping out with 175lb trap bar and 235 SSB w/loose minibands)

Trap bar rows


5xAMRAP hanging leg raise
4x6x25lb hammer KB curls


3x25x53 axle curls
4x20 band pull aparts


20 rounds EMOM of

15 squats
15 push ups
10 KB swings w/24kg bell


2 mile walk


* Read “OX-LIFT!” like “SPACESHIP”

* Circumstances were less than ideal.  My right knee is just pissed off.  I stepped weird at work and it’s swollen up like a grapefruit.  My suspicion is that I have some form of patellar tendonitis that is just getting worse.  Super Squats is what started it off, and silliness has continued it.  In turn, going stupid heavy on a straight up trap bar lift seemed like a bad idea, and, in the middle of the night, the ox lift dawned on me.

* I rigged up a decent enough set up for execution given the tools at my disposal.  This is a HARD lift.  I kept adding weight as my proficiency was building with each set, but you’re literally watching me learn with each set.  Ended at 235 and was adding 10lbs a pop before that, so a set of 235, 225, 215, 205, 195, 185, 168, 135, and somewhere else is 2 more sets.  I’m going off memory, because I’m not watching the video at the moment.  Each set was HARD.

* Rows were challenging and pulled at my elbow a touch on the right side.  I was trying to be quieter, since the Mrs is back in town.

* I’ll need to up the weight on the hammer curls.  I’m getting better at them.

* Axle curls were dialed in perfect.  Great pump.

* That post workout workout was solid enough.  Right knee hated every single squat and the swings lit up my appetite.

* I’ve got Tang Soo Do slated for later tonight, so some more activity on the horizon.


More carnivore yumminess

Whipped together a bunch of leftovers.  Egg whites on the top, leftover grassfed beef korean BBQ (I washed the sauce off, apologies to the foodies, but I'm seeing how far down the rabbit hole I can go here), and then on the right is a korean BBQ breakfast taco using one of those egg wraps, grassfed sour cream and grassfed swiss cheese.

Eating until I'm done.  It's awesome.

And on THAT note, I'm officially signed up for this on 4 May

I am SO excited.  Took the day off work, and plan is to train/be busy through the day, minorly fast, and then take it on.  I'll go carnivore to the max to start, focusing on the burgers, then the eggs, then the bacon, then the cheese, and then start deviating from there IF I somehow have more time.

Exciting times.


  1. I have to recommend against your eating challenge strategy. I did something similar a few years back - first twenty minutes of burger was amazing. But by the end I was just eating soggy pickles and lettuce off the plate with a fork!

    1. I appreciate the recommendation! , But mine is not a strategy for victory but for playing the game the way I want to play it
